Thursday, July 05, 2012

4th Fun

Hope everyone had a happy and safe Forth of July!!  We sure did!!  It was great, the whole weekend leading up to Yesterday was Jam Packed!  Daddy took Monday and Tuesday off work, so we got to spend lots of time with him!  Thanks Daddy!!!

Saturday night we went to the Drive-in to see Brave.  It was a cute movie, and Riley really liked it.  Jayce on the other hand, had more important things to do, like run a muck through the back of the car.  We were hoping he would fall asleep (seeing as the movie didn't even start until about 9:30, already an hour and a half after his bedtime!) but no! This kid is horrible to get him to sleep anywhere but in his crib, and once again he wouldn't sit still long enough to let sleep take him!  But once he was strapped in the carseat and we took off down the road, he was out!! 
Sitting in the car waiting for the movie to start

Sunday and Monday Daddy was really great and let Mommy get some much needed organizing done.  She was able to spend a huge chunk of time organizing and cleaning off her scrapbooking table (which has become more of a catch-all for craft stuff than being of any use for scrapbooking!)  It's still not cleared off enough to use, and it probably won't be until the basement is finished and everything else has a place, but at least it's all organized now and doesn't look like the leaning tower of junk!!  She also got to go through her crochet stuff to see where she's at on inventory for her store.  She's going to have a vendor booth at the Severance Days Fair in August, and needed to figure out how much inventory she needed still, and how much time she had to do it in.  And what did she find out - She's WAY behind!!!  Taking her current inventory into account and how much she needs to have for an accurate representation of her store, She is now crocheting at least 1 hat/project a day to finish in time.  Ugh!!!  Luckily, there's some travel days mixed in there that she didn't "count for", so she can crochet during that time if she gets too far behind.  So check out the store website to see all the new things she's added in the last few days. 

Tuesday we took a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was a last minute deal, so we didn't have time to coordinate a visit with cousin Justine who is a Ranger there now!!  Yay Justine!!!  But we still had a great time.  It was an ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS DAY!!!  One of the most beautiful I've seen there in a long time.  Here's some of the pictures we took: 
At the alluvial fan
Marmot in the road on Fall River Road
Beautiful wildflowers
Beautiful Views
At the Alpine Visitor's Center
I think this was Jayce's First Trip to the Divide
At Poudre Lake
Gotta Throw Rocks in the water!
Elephant Heads - One of Mommy's Favorite Flowers
And, of course, lots of elk!

Then for the Forth we just had a laid back relaxing kinda day.  Daddy went running and took Riley to see the $1 movie for this week (Despicable Me), while Jayce and I snuggled (and I frantically crocheted).  There was some playing in the sprinklers involved, naps, and finally . . . FIREWORKS!!!  We didn't do any sparklers or little fireworks at home, with all the fires and the horrible drought they have been banned just about everywhere in Colorado.  Some Towns/Cities even cancelled their public fireworks displays.  But Windsor had theirs, and it was worth it!  I've always enjoyed their display, though it's never as great as Indy's set to music, still good for a small town. 
Waiting for it to get dark
We played Soccer and Frisbee
Silly Boy!!
Even Sillier Boy!!

This year I had my new camera (with the Bulb feature) that's perfect for taking fireworks pictures.  I got some really good shots, here are a few of my favorites: 
Is it just me or does this remind you of a Palm Tree?  ;)
Love the Red/White/Blue effect

Daddy went back to work today, and we are missing him after having him home all week.  But it's only another week and a half before we get another vacation with him!  And a trip to Indy!!!!  Yay Fun!!  But First - It's Daddy's Birthday next week!!  Happy Birthday Daddy!!! 

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