Friday, June 29, 2012

Is June really Over?!?!

Wow, where has this year gone!!  I can't believe that June is almost over.  I feel like there are so many things to accomplish this summer and now it's half over!  I better get with it! 

Sorry, I don't have an pictures to share with you all this week, I was really slacking in the picture department.  Even with my handy phone I missed out.  Don't worry I'm very disappointed in myself!!  But here's a little update on what we've been up to:

Park Play Date for MOPS on Monday - At the Windsor lake Swim Beach.  IT WAS HOT!!!  Another 100+ degree day (that was like the 5th in a row or something), and even at 9 am when we got there it was sweltering.  Needless to say we left right at 11:30 when it was scheduled to be over!!  Mommy can only take so much of the heat, and that was even with me sitting in the lake to keep cool!  But the boys had a blast playing in the sand, and I even got Jayce to get in the water some.  Like Riley was at this age, lake water just isn't his thing.  I think it has to do with not being able to see the bottom or something.  Cause he loves the pool just fine.  Oh well! 
Tuesday we had some long overdue visitors!  My Aunt Elaine and cousin Carrie came to visit us!  They were on their way to the cabin and stopped by for some quality time.  It was great to catch up with them and show off the boys.  Although I think Aunt Elaine is partial to Jayce, or maybe just his reddish hair,  Riley LOVED having Carrie's full attention at dinner!!
Wednesday we took our weekly trip to the theater for our $1 movie.  Kung Fu Panda 2 for this week. We had fun, but I think I'll stick to seeing the movies we haven't seen (or at least don't have on DVD at home).  Because they had seen the movie before the boys were extra fidgety during the movie . . . and into the rest of the day too.  Lesson learned!! 
And yesterday was uneventful - unless you count a trip to the grocery watching some guy argue with the produce guy over whether corn-on-the-cob was 3 for $1 or 5 for $1.  Yes, that's my life as a stay at home mom!!  *Sigh* 

But we are looking forward to some fun tonight!!!  The smoke has mostly cleared out from the fire so we are heading to the drive-in to watch Brave tonight.  I'm really excited.  We haven't made it to the drive-in at all this year, and it's always a fun time!  Daddy has some extra vacation days that we weren't planning on this year, so he has taken the first part of next week off for the 4th of July.  YAY!!  We can't really do much with doctor appointments planned and late notice, but we will have fun just spending time together!  Hopefully it's not as hot as it has been. 

FIRE UPDATE:  The High Park fire outside Fort Collins is nearly contained!  YAY for hard working firefighters!!  Thank you!!!  As of last night the fire was at 85% contained and hadn't had any new growth in two days!!!!!!  That's incredible!!  A few days ago the full containment date was set for July 30th, now it's been moved up to July 1st!!!  YAY!!!!  We got some rain a few days ago, and I know that helped tremendously!!!  They are still mopping up hot spots throughout the 87,000+ acres, but it's nice to know that no more damage can be done.  The final number of homes damaged sits at 257, which was a record until the newest fire in Colorado Springs consumed 346 a few nights ago. 

Ok, Warning: Soap Box Rant!!!  While my heart goes out to all those people who have lost homes in the Waldo Canyon fire, and the person who has lost their life, I'm a little miffed at the turn of events on fire coverage recently.  Particularly in regards to Political agendas.  While 1 fire burns the second largest amount of acreage in the history of the state, and (at the time) consuming the highest number of homes (even if they are ranch homes and vacation homes), another fire seems to be a top priority.  All because it's more visible from a major city and the homes it's is burning are half-a-million-dollar homes.  Both fires had flames shooting 300 feet in the air, but because there's video of one, that is the fire that draws the attention of the President, bringing him to not only Call the Mayor, but VISIT the destruction.  To me that says: I care more about the people living in the 1/2-million $ houses than I do about the ranchers in the mountains who lost their homes, livestock AND livelihood!!!  I admit, these fires are equally damaging, one moreso in terms of houses the other in terms of acreage, but that doesn't mean that the homes lost in High park are any less important.  Or that those people are hurting any less.  It just gets under my skin that with TWO major fires burning in the state at the same time, one becomes a priority for news coverage, (both TV and Radio, Local and National) as well as opportunities for Politicians to Promote they're "generosity to the cause!" And also I would like to say to everyone who is upset about the fireworks ban for the Fourth of July - Get over it!!!  There is still New Years, and Next Year.  Just because you can't set off fireworks doesn't make this holiday any less special.  You are not any less Free because you can't send giant balls of fire into the sky to land on any unsuspecting surface.  Get over it. 

Ok Rant over, pregnancy hormones have subsided. ;)  Side note - I am very pleased to see how fellow Coloradoans have pulled together to help those in need, offering food, clothing, money and even opening their homes to those who have lost it all, or can't currently access it.  That is one reason I love this State!!  We may be a large state, but we are truly a community!  I love that western spirit!!  No offense Indiana, but I don't remember seeing the love to this extent while living in the midwest.  Also, Thank you to all the firefighters and support teams, working tirelessly regardless of which fire they are attending to.  You are all heroes!!! 

I Hope everyone has a safe and happy (and fireworks free) Fourth of July!!  Remember the meaning behind this date, the lives lost so we can live in such a wonderful country, not just the hot dogs, and sparklers. 

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