Monday, July 13, 2009

Daddy Rides Trail Ridge Road!!

Yesterday we went to Rocky Mountain National Park, and Daddy rode his bike up and down Trail Ridge Road. If you haven't been there, Trail Ridge Road is the Highest Continuously Paved Road in the United States. It gets up to 12,083 ft above sea level, and is literally carved into the mountain side in some areas. And Daddy rode it on his bike!!! I'm so proud of him!! (It's actually his second time doing it!!) Mommy and I dropped him off at Many Parks Curve, towards the bottom and stopped and waited for him at most of the parking areas along the way. That way if he needed anything we could help him. It's about 15 miles up, and Mommy and I stopped and took some pictures along the way. I'm getting better at sitting and smiling for the camera! See:When we were at Rainbow curve, the first stop, there were chipmunks and ground squirrels everywhere!! One even came up to me and sniffed my hand to see if I had any food, but I didn't. We stopped at Forest Canyon Overlook too, and then we waited just before the Lava Cliffs and got a picture of Daddy coming down the road!!
Then at the Lava Cliffs, we saw this guy!!! Walking right across the road!! We had to wait in the "Elk Jam" that he created, but then met up with Daddy at the Alpine Visitor Center.

We sat there and ate lunch with Daddy, then it was time to head back down. Daddy left before us, and beat us down to the meeting point (cuz he's so fast) and cuz we got stuck in a couple of more Elk Jams!! But he made it down ok, and said he wanted to go farther on his bike, so we followed him some more, and he ended up riding his bike almost to the park entrance!!

Then we went to the backcountry office so Mommy could make some reservations. The Open Lands Crew at her work want to hike to the top of Long's Peak (a 16 mile trip that goes to the top - 14,255 ft above sea level) the only 14eer in Rocky Mountain National Park. So she's planning the trip. They are going to make it a two day trip since weather this year has been so crazy. So they are going to hike the first 6 miles to the Boulderfield, then camp out, and hike to the summit and back down again the next day. Mommy is so excited!! She can't wait!! They are going the last week of August, so you'll have to look for pictures when she gets back!

Well, not much else going on. Mommy and I went to a MOPS Park Date today with Lacey and Greg. I have so much fun playing with Greg. Mommy says that sometime soon we are going to go to the pool with them, or take them to Horsetooth with us to swim. But we better do it soon - cuz this summer is flying by!! Have a good week everyone!

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