Saturday, June 09, 2012

FUN in the SUN!!!

Oh, boy!  June has been Crazy so far!  And we're only a few days into it!!!  Oh goodness, where to start . . .

Daddy ran in a race last weekend . . . and Finished with no injuries!!!!  Yay Daddy!!   he did great!  It was up in Jamestown (this TINY little town outside of Boulder).  And because it was so far up in the mountains (at least that why we think) they started the race SUPER late - 10 am.  Usually these things start at 6 or 7 am and are over with by 10 . . . hmmm?  But anyways, we went, and it was hot, and only got hotter!  Parking was limited so we had to hike like half mile from the car (and back to it again to get lunch, and then back again to watch Daddy finish, then back AGAIN to leave).  It was exhausting for me, and I wasn't even the one running 13 miles!!  Cam said the trail was pretty grueling, hilly in most places and outright Steep in many.  In fact sitting at the finish line I overheard many people saying how hard the trail was.  But Cam did wonderful - finished strong at 2 hours and 45 minutes!!!  YAY!!!  Riley even got to run across the finish line with him!  He was so cute waiting for Cam, both he and Jayce would clap for everyone coming through.  I think they had a good time.  Here's some pics from the race:
Coming up the starting hill, yes, it was that steep!
still going strong!
Watching all the runners
About midway through
coming up the finishing hill
YAY!!!  Finish Strong Uphill!!!

Daddy was in St. Louis for work most of last week.  So Mommy had to survive on her own.  and that's about the best I can say about that - I survived, and more importantly, so did the boys!!!It was rough having to entertain them all day, then not getting a break or help through the evening with dinner/bedtimes.  Next time we may have to work out some sort of part-time daycare so Mommy doesn't get overwhelmed.  We did play outside in the back yard some with the baby pool. 

And on Thursday we went to church and helped decorate for VBS (which is next week).  That was really cool, and I'm bummed that I forgot to get some pictures!!  But here's a teaser for you all -

Cam built this awesome 'treehouse' for the Bat's Corner.  He spent all day last Sunday putting it together and he did a great job!! Everyone LOVES it, and it looks great in place next to the 'night sky'.  I'll have to get some good pictures next week and show everyone how it turned out. 

Today was the big day!!!!  Riley's Birthday Party!!!  There was a lot of planning and prep work leading up to it, and I think it went off without a hitch!!  Everyone seemed to have fun, and get worn out (even us parents!!)  We did the Splash theme, and it was perfect for this 94 degree June day!!!  We had a Sprinkler, A "Car Wash", Kiddie Pool (with magnetic fish and fishing poles), water balloons, squirt guns, Bubbles, A Popsicle Cake, and Snowcones!!!  It was low key, the kids just played most of the time, and it was great!  I hope to have more parties like this where the kids can just run around and have fun.  Here's some of the pictures from the day!
Water Balloons
The Car Wash and Kiddie Pool
MaKenna going through the Car Wash
Dumping water while Jozy takes advantage of the time to "Get Them"
Squirt Guns
The Popsicle Cake!! 
Everyone liked it!!
Legos from Makenna
Junior Blokus Game from Jozy
Snow Cone Machine from Tanner, Jackson and Ryder
And some Books
And an RC car from Greg and Jaxon . . . "Just What I Wanted!!!"
It was a great day!  Now it's Family Nap Time!!  hahaha  This week is VBS, so another busy week!!  After that not much else for the rest of the month (thank Goodness!!)  Mommy has her first "real" Drs. appointment on the 18th, so we'll get to hear the heartbeat, and make sure that we're having only 1 baby and not two!!!  (keeping our fingers crossed!!!)  Hope everyone is staying cool in all this heat!  Have a good week everyone! 

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