Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Pumpkin Patch and Costumes

Well, fall is in the air!  It has been very chilly and windy this week.  But we still went to ANOTHER pumpkin patch yesterday.  Some friends from MOPS invited us, and we thought it would be a good chance to get together and hang out.  This one had a lot of fun activities, but with the wind it was very cold so we didn't stay very long.  We did manage to find a couple more small pumpkins though.  And Riley had a blast climbing on the hay like at Anderson's.  Here's some pictures from that trip. 

Also, I have been crocheting again!  I got about 3 weeks ahead of schedule on my Christmas list (YAY) so I took a week off.  Then a friend of mine wanted her baby girl to be a Zebra for Halloween (to go with the Monkey and Giraffe that her older kids were going as, so I told her I would help her make the costume.  So we are going to paint a onsie and pants with black stripes and I made her a hat.  It's pink and black because we decided that a pink and black zebra is much cuter than a white and black one!!  I hope it fits her. 

And I was originally thinking about making Jayce a Tiger for Halloween this year, but decided against it after seeing everything else we had going on this month.  I had a Skeleton outfit for him like Riley's pj's so I thought it would be easier (and pretty darn cute) if they went as matching skeletons.  Well, after finishing the Zebra hat for Charley in an afternoon . . . it really took no time at all!!  I changed my mind again and decided to go with the Tiger costume for Jayce.  So, I made him a Tiger hat!!  It is SO ADORABLE!!!  He will definitely be wearing this one all winter!!  I love it!  My friend that does tie-dye is making him a onsie with orange and black stripes and I've already got the tiger babylegs.  So we're all set now!  I can't wait for Halloween this year!  I've got some really cute ideas for pumpkins, and pictures, and I'm just happy for an excuse to spoil my boys!  lol 

Speaking of Jayce, he's still not walking . . . which is surprising, but fine with me!!  He could if he wanted to - he stands by himself forever and has even taken a step before.  But I think he's just decided that crawling gets him where he wants to go so he's content.  It's hard to believe he's 10 months old already!  This year has flown by!  He still only has two teeth, but the top ones aren't far behind.  Riley is growing up fast too.  He can sing the ABC song now, although he usually leaves out E and K and the end he says "Next time you won't sing with me".  It's cute!  He really likes playing with Jayce, especially roughhousing (Ugh! - Already?) but Jayce seems to enjoy it too - most of the time!  We are working on getting a playstructure/swingset from a friend (for free - yay!!) and I'm excited to have something for him to play on in the back yard.  He always wants to play outside, but with the weather changing I'm not always up for going out (or taking Jayce out) to ride bikes, walk to the playground, or do sidewalk chalk for hours on end like we did in the summer.  This will keep him in the backyard and keep him entertained so I can stay inside with Jayce if I want to. 

Well, not much else to talk about right now.  I've got a MOPS bake sale this weekend (and some yummy recipes I want to try out!) and then a long week until Halloween.  Happy Haunting Everyone!

1 comment:

Ellen Louie said...


You sure are getting very good with that hook! Those hats are sooo cute! Ellen