Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wheelin Trip #2

Well, another busy week for the Louie's!  This week I FINALLY got Jayce's 9 month pictures taken!  They turned out so cute!!  I took his blanket I crocheted for him and got some really good shots with that, then I dressed he and Riley in Colts attire for some Brother shots!  So adorable to see Jayce in his Peyton Manning Jersey and Football legwarmers.  If you want to see them all or order some you can go to and type in the access code LTPP0348117139JCP.  Immediate family- check with us before you order . . . we have already ordered some for you. 

Then today we went wheeling again!  Fall is such a great time to head out in the Jeep!  The aspen leaves are turning gold, the air is cooler with a nice breeze, mountains are starting to get some new snow - It's just so beautiful!  This time we went to Kelly Flats up the Poudre Canyon.  It's been a few years since I've been up that trail (Cam and Riley have been more recently) and I've forgotten how much I love that trail.  I think that it may have to become an annual "aspen viewing" trail!  We went with some of the guys (and their wives) from Cameron's work.  Apparently when he goes to work in the morning half the parking lot is Jeeps!!  So they put together a trip and it was a blast!  Jayce did great again, and so did Riley . . . they both had fun playing in the dirt (outside the Jeep) while Daddy played in the dirt (in the Jeep!) and were FILTHY by the time we got home!!  Needless to say it was Straight to the Bathtub for both of them when we got home!  Here are some pics from the trip:

Heading up "Heart-Attack Hill"

Mummy in the background

Mark took the easy Route

Gary's ready to go over

Try again!  With some help

So exciting!

Beautiful Aspen

Gary in the Chutes

Going up!

Passenger Russ enjoying the ride

Riley showing us how Spiderman climbs rocks!  ;)

Well, so much for that door handle!


Bumper in the wall

Back it up and try again

That's better!

Going down

All the guys!
Tonight Daddy took Riley to a Major League Soccer Game in Denver, so it's just me and Jayce.  Busy day!!  So more pics to come of that next time.  In other news . . . I have now finished 3 crochet projects for Christmas!!  I'm 1 week ahead of schedule - YAY!!  Which is good because I've got another baby gift I wanna make!  hehe  Also, Cam only has 1 more week until his Marathon!!!  Yay for my hard working husband!!  He's been training so hard, I'm so proud of him and I know he's gonna do great!  So look for more to come on that too.  I can't believe it's almost October!  Where has this year gone!!  Well, have a good week everyone!

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