Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oh the Stories. . .

Hi Everyone!  Boy have I got a lot to tell you about today!!  We have been so busy this last couple weeks.  Before Daddy's Marathon, My Mommy's Aunt Gayle and Uncle Ed came to visit us.  They were on their way to Las Vegas, and thought they would stop in and chat!  Wasn't that nice of them.  They wanted to drive out there, so Daddy gave Uncle Ed some pointers of where to go and what sights to see along the way.  I hope they had fun!!

 Then Daddy had his Marathon, so Here are a few pictures from that.  Me and Daddy before the race:
 Daddy at the Start:
 Coming through the Blue Sky Trailhead:
 Daddy's knees are feeling much better now.  He even ran 13 miles yesterday and said he felt really good.  So he's still on track for trying the marathon again, just without all the hoopla of a race.  He just wants to accomplish it!  Mommy said that she and I would be there to cheer him on at the finish again!!  He's so cool!! 
Then on Monday Mommy and I went to church for her MOPS planning meeting.  We've been running around all week collecting stuff because for the craft at Monday's meeting the MOPS are packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  (Click on the words to find out more if you aren't familiar with OCC) We have been to every single shoe store in Fort Collins looking for shoeboxes!! 
On Tuesday, Mommy and Daddy took me to Rocky Mountain National Park!!  We went to see and hear the elk bugling, but we must have missed it, or come at the wrong time of day.  We only saw one herd of elk, and they were kinda far away.  But that's ok - the day wasn't a total loss!!  Fall River Road was still open, along with Trail Ridge Road, so we got to drive up there and get some pretty pictures.  This is the latest in the year we have been able to get up to the Alpine Visitor Center.  And Daddy said it was nice going on a weekday for a change because there was no one else there!!
 On Wednesday I went to Story Time at the Library with Greg and Jaxon.  We went to the park too!!  It was so much fun!  I like playing with Greg!  Mommy wanted to show Lacey Jayce's room since she finished one wall of the mural.  Here's what it looks like. 
 Mommy says I should tell you a little about how She and Jayce are doing now.  She's 30 weeks along, so only 10 weeks left!!  She's excited about that.  She's having trouble sleeping now, and has the bed FULL of pillows - I don't know how Daddy sleeps in there too!?!?!  But I like sneaking in there and playing with all of them!  Anyways, at her last Dr.'s appointment the Dr. said her belly was measuring a couple centimeters bigger than usual.  This can mean a couple things: -Jayce was stretched out that day, throwing off the measurement, -Jayce is going to be a big baby, -The measurement is off only because Mommy saw a different Dr. last week and she measured different than Mommy's usual Dr.  So we'll have to wait a couple more weeks to see if it holds true to any of these theories!!!  But everything else is looking good, Jayce is still kicking up a storm and driving Mommy crazy!!  That's one reason she's having so much trouble sleeping.  She gets up to go potty between 2:30 and 4 am usually, and that wakes up Jayce too.  Then he thinks it's time to play and keeps Mommy up for the next hour and a half or 2 hours while he has a party in her belly!!!  Mommy's hoping that's not going to be a permanent addition to his schedule! 
Let's see now . . . back to other things!!!  Oh, Daddy's been refinishing our Deck.  The stain he did a couple years ago wasn't looking too hot, and after a massive hail storm in August it was about toast!!  So he sanded down the WHOLE thing and is going to repaint it!  Here he is working hard:  (I'm helping too - see me sweeping on the deck?) 
On Friday, Mommy and I went to the Fall Festival at church.  Daddy was working on the deck, and Mommy was working at the Pumpkin Decorating table so I had to sit in the nursery most of the Festival.  But then Mommy's friend Cathy was so nice to come and get me!! I got to decorate a pumpkin with Mommy and jump in the bounce house for a little bit.  Sorry we didn't get any pictures. 
Then yesterday we went to Greg's Birthday Party!!!  It was at the Park in Windsor.  Now he's 3 like me!!  He had a Car's party like I did!!  We got him a cool remote control tractor!  I can't wait to go to his house and play with it!! 
So as you can see we've been doing a TON of stuff since Mommy is done with work now!  Oh, which reminds me, Mommy says to pray for the rangers she worked with and people living around Horsetooth Reservoir.  There's ANOTHER wildfire at Horsetooth this time (the last one was at Carter Lake in Loveland).  It's still pretty small, and conditions are better - we had some sprinkles a couple days ago and temps are a lot cooler.  But the wind is picking up and there are houses in the path.  Mommy's sad that she can't be there to help - these kind of situations are what Rangers are trained for, and she can't help out at all.  We'll try to keep you updated. 
Next week is going to be just as busy!  I start Swim Lessons with Mommy!!  So twice a week for the next 4 weeks Mommy and I get to go swimming!!  I'm so excited!  Then next weekend is the CSU homecoming parade (more candy- yay!!!).  After that Mommy says we need to work on my Halloween Costume.  I'm going to be Mickey Mouse with the ears that Mommy got me when she was in Orlando.  Well, Mommy's painting in Jayce's room, and I have to help Daddy pick up my toys, so I'll update you on more later!!  Have a good week everyone!!!

1 comment:

Cam and Aliy said...

Update on the Fire: it burned less than 30 acres and is completely out now thanks to a rainshower yesterday afternoon!! No structures were burned, no injuries reported!! YAY!