Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hi there everybody! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but everyone here has been kinda sick. Daddy got a little bit of a cough and runny nose, he had it pretty easy - and missed 0 days of work. Mommy got it much worse though. She is still trying to get rid of her cough, and it's been over 2 weeks!! The first week she was sick too, and so we didn't do much. But she's better now, except for in the mornings - she sounds terrible!! Then there's me! I got sick last Thursday, not what Mommy and Daddy had, I just had a fever. But Boy was it a doosey!! When Mommy first took my temperature after lunch it was 102.4. So she gave me some Tylenol and put me down for a nap. I slept for 4 1/2 hours!!! And I probably would have slept more, but Mommy woke me up to take my temp again and give me more medicine. That was the battle for the next three days. My temperature stayed around 103 through Saturday, only coming down with the latest dose of Tylenol. It went down to around 101 each time I got medicine, so Mommy and Daddy didn't take me to the doctor. And I'm all better now!! Here's a picture of me curled up with Mommy. I don't really look sick in this picture because everytime I got Tylenol it brought my fever down enough that I could play and have fun again! (Mommy and Daddy didn't like that too much!)
And here's another picture of me (even though you can't see me!!) hehehe!!

Gran Wilson got me this blanket for Christmas - It's a Moose!! I have so much fun wearing it! Mommy has a blanket that zips up around her and she wears it around the house a lot (like in the first picture), so I like to wear mine too, and be like her!

Well, let's see . . . We haven't been doing much else. Mommy started back to work. Only on weekends though, so I get to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with Daddy. This Friday we are going to Greg's house to play! I'm so excited!! And I think I heard Mommy say that we can have a campout in the living room this weekend (since everyones all better now!!) YAY I'm excited for that!! I get to sleep in my new sleeping bag, in my new tent!!! So look for pictures to come! Talk to ya all later!

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