Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies and Grandmommies!! I hope you all had a fun time! We did!! Daddy and I planned a whole special day for Mommy at Rocky Mountain National Park. We almost didn't go though because it was a cloudy, rainy day. But - It turned out to be a great day to go to the park!! Up there it wasn't raining it was snowing!!! And it made everything look so pretty! Trail Ridge Road was still closed after Rainbow Curve, but up at Rainbow curve we were high enough to see over some clouds, and it was so neat!!
And there were lots of elk all around!! You can see all the pictures in the Kodak Album that Mommy made. Also for Mother's day I helped Daddy make Mommy breakfast in bed!! We made her pancakes and bacon (turkey bacon of course!!) She loved it!! And we gave her her presents too! We had already given her the flowers last weekend (so that they would get planted), but we also got her a CD (the Fray!! yay!!) And a really cool picture frame! On one side you put in a picture, on the other Daddy helped me make a cast of my handprints!!! Daddy made me do it like a million times - cuz I just wanted to stick my fingers in it and play. But I finally figured it out and we got some good prints. Mommy Loves it!! Now she just has to get a picture of me and her to put in it!
Other news! I got a new potty!!! it's so much fun to play with, but Mommy says it's not for playing with. She takes off my Diaper and makes me sit on it. So I do, but after about 10 seconds, when nothing happens, I get up and use it to put my toys in!! This doesn't make Mommy too happy, but I don't know how she can expect me to sit on it when the middle part comes out and makes a great toy box!! Mommy said that she's glad she has started working on this now, because it's going to take a while!! hehehe!!!!
So hopefully this week I can get my hair cut, and then we can go get my 2-year-old pictures taken!! Can you believe that I'm gonna be 2!!! SO EXCITING!! Here's what I want for my birthday: Toys, Toys, Toys, bath toys, Outside summer toys, any kind of cars/trucks toys, a "my-size" picnic table, and Disney movies for boys (we have Tarzan and Hercules, but the rest are all the Princess ones!!). Oh yeah and Mommy's making me ask for clothes too (yuck). She says gift cards for clothes is best, cuz it's hard to find stuff that fits cuz I'm so tall and skinny!! Depending on the brand and style I wear anything from 12 months to 24 months to 2T. (but to make it easy, just get me toys!! I promise those will be put to good use right away!!) Talk to everyone later!! Have a good week!!

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