Saturday, December 06, 2008

So much has happened this week!! Let's see, where to start!? Monday Mommy and I did some Christmas Shopping, then Tuesday was a regular day for Mommy at school. Oh yeah, but she did find out that the only final she has to take is now going to be a Take Home Test, and she gets it on Friday before Finals week!! Yeah - no Cramming!! Then on Wednesday Mommy took me to get my hair cut - I have ears again!! On Wednesday I went for my 18 month check up (can you believe that I'm 18 months already!!) Anyways I weigh 24 1/4 lbs, and I'm 34 inches tall. But the real kicker is my head!! Apparently my head is so big that the Dr. remeasured it cuz she thought the nurse was wrong!! But I also had to get three shots, and that was no fun! (one was a flu shot) But I got Bugs Bunny Band aids, and I had lots of fun sticking them to things when we got home!! (like Mommy's face) hehehe

Also on Wednesday it started snowing (this is after it was in the 60's on Tuesday), and it just kept right on snowing!! We ended up getting about 5-6 inches and it was so pretty!! Thursday night we got a fog too, and it left pretty crystals all over everything - Check out our Aspen Tree (on the left) and the bushes in front of our house, all Frosty!

Mommy also got her hair cut on Thursday, (and Daddy got his cut last weekend) so we will all look spiffy for the Holidays!! Nothing really exciting happened on Friday. But today we went to cut down our Christmas Tree!!! It was so much fun!! The weather was perfect, sunny and warm (for middle of December at 8-9,000 ft.) We looked and looked and found a couple of nice trees, but Daddy decided that he wanted to get a Spruce tree this year instead of the usual Lodgepole. So we found the perfect spot with lots of Spruce trees. The trouble was finding one that wasn't to skimpy on branches!! But we found one we all liked, and Daddy cut it right down!! Then Mommy decorated it this evening. We had to be very careful with the decorations cuz the branches aren't as strong as on a lodgepole, so we don't have any heavy ornaments on there, and there's not too many. But we did get lights, tinsle, and and angel on top! The tinsle is my favorite - it's so shiny!! I don't know why Mommy and Daddy won't let me play with it?!?!

Well, Mommy only has one more week of classes (but she has 2 big reports due). And then the week after that she GRADUATES!!! And I get to see lots of Family people!! YEAH!! And then the week after that - SANTA COMES!!! And we get to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!! YEAH!! So much exciting stuff going on!! Have a good week everyone!!

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