Friday, October 05, 2007

Fun Times!

Hi Everyone!! Guess What!! My Daddy's Home!!! (but just for a couple of days before he goes out again.) I missed him so much!! There is a whole lot of things going on in my life right now!! I got a new toy!! Katy calls it an Exer-Saucer, I just call it FUN!!! Here I am in it, sucking my thumb - Oh yeah - I figured out how to do that too!!
Also, Mommy says I'm "teething", whatever that is. All I know is that I love to chew on stuff, my bibs, mommy's fingers, my rings, but my favorite is this blue shapes thingy - especially when mommy puts it in the Fridge!!
I would even chew on my little piggies, if I could get them in my mouth easier!! This morning Mommy caught me chewing on the toes of my pj's - 'cuz they stretch really well!!
Tomorrow is the Homecoming at Mommy's school, so I get to go to my First Parade!! It will be so exciting!! Then Mommy and Daddy are taking me to the ZOO!!! I get to see all kinds of animals - the real ones, not the fake ones like in my room. I am having so much fun!! And I think I heard something about a mini-vacation to Moab. I can't wait to find out what that is!!! Talk to you all later!!

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