Monday, October 06, 2014

School Pictures

Not a whole lot going on right now. We are in full swing of the school year. Got a good schedule going and are just loving the routine of things.  But I did get Riley's school picture back this week, so I wanted to share it with you all. I got a CD of the picture and it has a few different versions (this one is personalized and with a vignette (the shadowing around the edges)). If you would like a copy to print out yourself just let me know which version you want (traditional, vignette, personalized or any combo of the three) and what size (4x6, 5x7, 8x10, or wallets) and I will email that exact cropped one with the copyright release so you can get it printed. :)

We love our big 2nd grader!! 
Lots more posts to come this month. we've got a lot of fun things going on!!  I love fall time - pumpkins, Halloween, changing leaves!! I did get the kids' Halloween costumes figured out already. Amara's is all set and done, thanks to a great costume shop in town and their annual warehouse sale. Jayce and Riley will be themed together (their choice not mine!!) and I'm checking goodwill every few days to get a few certain items needed. I can't wait to see them all dressed up! 

Have a good week everyone!

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