Saturday, September 14, 2013

Labor Day Fun

We had a great Labor Day weekend this year!  It was great to spend some extra time together as a family!  It started out on Saturday with Daddy's race.  This was the first year for the "Black Squirrel Half" up in Lory State Park.  What a fun Race!  Daddy really enjoyed it, and did awesome again!  But he was a little bummed he didn't get one of the cool trophies - a fuzzy black squirrel!!  But he did win a $25 gift certificate to his favorite running store in the raffle!  Guess he'll just have to shoot for the trophy next year. 

We went to watch and played on Lory's Bike Jump area while Daddy was running.  The boys had a blast, and got filthy in all the dirt!  Everyone napped great that afternoon! 

That night we went to the fireworks at Windsor Lake for the Harvest Festival.  Labor Day weekend is always a big deal in Windsor, so there was a ton to do.

Sunday morning I dragged Riley out of bed at sunrise to watch a Hot Air Balloon Launch at of ot the nearby parks.  Part of the festival every year, there are always a bunch of balloons at the public launch, this year there were about 10.  Riley wasn't too thrilled about getting up early (especially since it was a last minute decision to take him along so I didn't warn him the night before), but once he was there he really enjoyed watching the balloons.  Next year we will have to bring the whole family to watch! 

Then later that night we had a Backyard Campout.  We've been promising Riley all summer that we would do it, and since that was the unofficial last weekend of summer, we figured we'd better do it now or never!  The boys loved it more than real camping!  We let them cook hot dogs over the firepit for dinner, and invited our neighbors and friends over for smores right as it got dark.  Then cozied up in our sleeping bags in the backyard.  we did leave Amara inside though (with a baby monitor out with us).  It was a great idea, and something I would love to make a tradition every year. 

Monday was the famous Windsor Parade!  This is always a HUGE event, one of the biggest parades I've ever seen (especially for such a small town).  It was a little less exciting for us this year since we weren't able to share it with the Sandstrums like usual.  The Sandstrum boys were IN the parade with the Boy/Cub Scouts, and Cathy was manning her booth at all the festivities.  We were also surrounded by an obscene amount of little children, so candy was slim pickins for the boys.  And I believe about halfway through Jayce gave up on collecting it and just sat down and started eating it all!  ;) 

Over all it was a great weekend! 

Then Later that week we went on another adventure!  Jayce, Amara and I went with Trista and Kinsey Berry Picking!!  It was so much fun (and super hot!!)  There is an organic farm about an hour from us where you can go and pick your own strawberries and raspberries, so we decided that might be fun for the kiddos.  And it was.  Jayce did a really good job at picking ones that were good (which really surprised me!), and of course he loved sampling them to make sure they were good!!  AND THEY WERE GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!  So yummy!!  I had planned to make some freezer jam since we are almost out of Grandma Louie's that she gave us over the summer, but the strawberries weren't very plentiful.  We spent about half the time in the strawberry field, and only came out with less than a basket.  :(  But They were Delicious!!!  So sweet you didn't dare add sugar to them!  Needless to say there was no way going to be enough to make Jam after everyone at home tasted them.  So I thought I could make some with the raspberries.  There were a TON of raspberries (I really want to go back soon and get some more).  But they were so tasty too, that I knew the boys (and Cam) would just gobble them up. 

So, I asked Cam which he would prefer: Jam, or Cobbler?  Of course he said COBBLER!!!  (which I was happy for because I was wanting some too!!)  So off to pinterest I went, since I've never made a cobbler - that was always Grandma Louie's thing.  I found a really quick and easy recipe for raspberry cobbler and we made some that night!  YUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!  It was so sweet, warm and gooey, it was perfect!!! 

I'm really proud of myself for taking the time to pick them and make a yummy treat out of them.  It was such a great time, and the prices really weren't too crazy (I paid $15 for all that!  Not too shabby for organic berries) So I am for sure going back again for more!!!  ;)

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