Wednesday, March 06, 2013

March Madness

March madness is taking on a whole new meaning in the Louie Household right now!  Mostly in the form of Wacky Boys!!!  These boys have so much energy!!!  I don't know if it's because we've been cooped up inside for the whole winter and they are finally going stir crazy, or if it's just the stage of life for boys - but the energy level is OUT-OF-CONTROL!!! 

I wanted to share a few pictures I've taken recently, but most of them are no good.  All to quickly they go from this:

to THIS:

I can't get them to sit still long enough for a good photo.  Most of the time I end up taking it with my phone (which I really hate doing because of the poor quality), but if I take the time to stop and get my "real" camera, then they are gone or the moment has passed.  I'm definitely looking forward to warmer weather around here.  Sitting in the warm sun with flip flops on, drinking smoothies, and let the boys run crazy around the back yard.  We got a peek at that today, it was light jacket or sweatshirt weather today.  Tomorrow is supposed to be just as nice, but Saturday calls for heavy snow and blizzard conditions.  Gotta love Colorado!  Although I hear that it's just as crazy right now in Indy too! 

Speaking of Indy, I got my plane ticket booked this week!  I'm heading that way in Mid-May for my beautiful sister's graduation!!  I'm so proud of her for sticking with school and getting her degree (she and I were both on the 8 year plan for college!!)  So I'm taking Amara to meet the rest of the fam, and celebrate with my sister!!  It will just be a short weekend trip, so I'm not planning on making the rounds, but if you wanna see me (or the baby), just give me a call and we can try and work something out. 

Other news -

Jayce is now officially potty training!  Yep, I caved and decided I should start.  And like expected he picked it up really quick.  He has figured out what to do, and even tells us when he needs to go!!  Score!!  But he's not quite ready to go out of the house in undies yet.  being used to having a diaper on constantly, he only pees little bits at a time, then holds the rest.  So we are taking trips to the potty about every 15 minutes.  I've tried to get him to sit longer and pee the rest, but most of the time we just get little dribbles.  It's a work in progress! 

AND . . . We've got to get the tooth fairy on speed dial!  Riley has his first loose tooth!  The bottom left one is gonna be the first to go it looks like.  He was eating an apple the other day complaining that his tooth hurt when he bit into the apple.  It took us forever to realize that that was why!!!  He's so excited, wiggling it all the time and showing us!  So cute!  We'll have to get tons of pictures of his toothless smile when it finally falls out!

Amara is doing good, smiling a lot more and even getting close on giggles.  We can get some grunts out of her, and if she's like Jayce that may be all she does.  :(  But we hope that the more we work on it the more she will develop a cute little laugh.  I also wanted to comment on her hair.  Sorry Vanessa - She may end up with some light hair after all!  All her dark hair is very slightly getting lighter.  Not quite as light as Jayce's, but definitely not as dark as when she was born.  She's also loosing quite a bit of it.  She has the typical rubbed off spot on the back of her head, but she's also getting the receding hairline that Jayce had as a baby.   In fact his only recently grew in enough in the sideburns that I've stopped calling it a mullet!  I really hope she isn't the same way! 

The only other thing I wanna update you on is pictures.  We had some family pics taken a couple weeks ago and if you are on Facebook you've probably seen some of them.  They are super cute!  I should be getting copies of those this next week, so I can get prints made for anyone who wants them.  But we didn't get some certain shots of the kids that I was hoping for (mostly because of my rambunctious, non-cooperative boys!) so we are going to do some more this week.  Hopefully that will produce some better results.  Keep your fingers crossed that Jayce will sit still for more than 10 seconds this time round!!  So here's a few to hold you over:

That's it for now!  Enjoy (and be safe) in all that snow Indy!!  Have a great week!

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