Thursday, September 23, 2010

My New Room!!

So Here's My New Room Everyone!!!  Didn't Mommy and Daddy do a good job!!  I love it!  It's so cool to have a big boy room!!  Now Mommy just has to finish Jayce's Room - but she's still got plenty of time. 

Well, Daddy had another phone interview this week, but that's the latest news on the job search.  Mommy only has one more week of work left, so Daddy's getting a little anxious.  I hope he gets a job, but I'm gonna miss him staying home and playing with me!!  He plays with me a lot more than Mommy does, she just usually sits and watches me!  Today Daddy took me and Greg to the playground.  It was so much fun!!  He pushes really high on the swings.  Then we went to see Mommy at work.  Daddy dropped me off so Mommy could take me home and he could go running.  Did you know my Daddy's gonna run a Marathon!!!  That's 26.2 miles long!!!  I can't believe it!!  It's coming up in a couple weeks (not this Sunday, but next Sunday).  AND - It's a trail run, so he's not running on paved roads in town, he's running on mountain trails - the same ones he goes mountain biking on!!!  This weekend he did a training run and ran 20 miles!!  Mommy and I are so proud of him!!  He's worked so hard to get this far, I really hope he does a good job on race day.  And even if he doesn't, WOW - can you believe he ran 20 miles!!!  I can't - that's really far!!  My Daddy is so cool!!  I really love him a lot! 

The same weekend as Daddy's race is Elk Fest in Estes Park.  That's when we go and listen to all the elk bugling in Rocky Mountain National Park.  I really like going to see the elk.  It's a lot of fun. And that's all we really have coming up.  Oh, Mommy wants me to ask everyone to pray for my Grandma Wilson.  She's been kinda sick, and so she's in the hospital trying to get better.  I wish I could go visit her and give her a kiss so she'd feel better, I always feel better after Mommy kisses my owies.  So please pray for her, and we'll catch you all later!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

26 miles? That's CRAZY!! Yikes! Hope your mom is doing better soon. We'll pray for her.