Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Still No Riley!

Ultrasound today was normal, the fluids seem to be good. So we're still on schedule for tomorrow. I really don't think anything will happen tonight, seeing as I still haven't had ANY contractions, or other signs. I was hoping to get some more info for you all today, but Riley didn't want to cooperate very much. I was hoping to see how big he was, or get some more ultrasound pictures, but the tech was having a hard time getting him to move around so she could get some measurements, and since it wasn't urgent I didn't push. So apparently he's just nice and cozy!! We did some research this weekend, and have tried many "home remedies" to induce labor, but nothing seems to be working. The only one I haven't tried is drinking Castor oil, because I've heard some bad things about side affects. I found a good website on acupressure points that are supposed to induce labor, and we've been doing those regularly (about every 20 min) for about 3 days now. Lots of walking the dogs, shopping, stretching and housework, but still nothing! It's getting to the point where we are just going to have to rely on modern medicine to get this boy out!! We'll let you all know as soon as we can when he's here!! Hopefully it will be soon!!!

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